My way of leveling! anything .10% or higher is considered good exp!
First off, if you have a good computer that can run multiple Flyff screens then use it to your advantage. It can get laggy but it's best if you can do this. You want to be able to have a full party at all times and level on contribution. It'll save you time when looking for fillers or if you can't run multiple screens ask your friends to fill. And if you have no friends to fill then join someones party. You'll need a leech and using a vagrant as a leech is best for exp. Don't ask me why but test it out for yourself and see the results compared to your normal partner. Get the party to level 20 and use the 15 day enhanced party scroll range (red scroll). This will make your damage extra stronger when you use link attack. Always make sure to use link attack when you train. That is if you are the leader of the party. If you're not the leader then you'll miss out but you can still level but it'll be slower. This setup will make sure that you get maximum exp all the time and level the fastest way possible. All you need is a party, a leech, red scroll, and fillers. Then after this you can go all out and CS to beef yourself up.
If there is an event going on make sure to take advantage of it whether it's an EXP event or drop box event. You can train while getting drops at the same time. Collect and sell them and become rich! If you get bored of training you can always do certain quests that gives decent exp as well.
If you AOE, then have someone tank for you or tank for yourself. Best use this leveling guide on exp events and when you are 5x Amping. It saves a lot of time!
Training Spots
Level 1-15 Train at Aibatts and make your way up to the Bangs.
Level 15-60 Start at Saintmorning and work your way up into Darkon where the steamwalkers/drillers are. You can also level in Coral Island if you have enough tickets for yourself.
Level 60-110You can either train in the tower or train in Azria. I prefer Azria if you don't like aggros spawning on you. Either place is good depending on your budget.
Level 110-120 Traseia is the best option here. It gives the best exp compared to B5 in the tower. And there's more mobs and no aggros! If you can't go to Trasiea go to the tower and train.
Once you hit master repeat your training the same way you did for best results!
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