Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Opinion

I do believe Flyff is dying and it probably will lose a lot of players. They continue to keep on releasing cash shop items and even adding overpowered things as well. This source is mainly towards people who buy Gpots and cs. It's not equal for those who don't spend money on the game. The events are not pointed to everyone. It's just for them to make a profit off of those who can afford to waste their money. There's nothing that the free to play players can do and it's not fair. It is a free to play game and it should be like that. There shouldn't be events where people have to spend their money (a lot of it) just to get one single set of jewels and it's soul-linked. They spent about 6-8 hours on maintenance for this event and they haven't even fixed the issues in the game. They continue to create problems and never fix them. I really do not like the "whoever spends the most Gpots gets so and so". That's just BS. What about people who don't even spend a penny? What do they get? If it continues to be like this then the game will become private server status. It kinda already is but in the previous years they didn't have so much events and nonsense. They seriously need to rethink their strategy here and think about the community as a whole. Why not implement Qamps or anything like this from the start? It's just a way to earn money for them and create hell for us. I do enjoy Flyff's community and I've made plenty of good friends but this game has taken a major downshift. There are too many issues right now and it's quite stressing. In summary, they should actually listen to the people and actually implement better events, which everyone can enjoy. Not making people spend 500+ bucks.

1 comment:

  1. Whine posts have been around as long as Flyff has. Something like this costs a huge amount of money to run. You think all the coding, art work, network bandwidth, server capacity, labor, electricity, etc, is free?

    That said; I haven't spent a penny and my character is doing just fine thank you. I grind for items to sell, sell them, and finance my character that way.

    At last count I think there were 22 million users. That's a long way from dead.
